Push/Pull Service

Push/Pull Service


Push/Pull services are for advanced users that understand what these features will do for their film. Do not check out for these services unless you are prepared for the results. There are no refunds for orders once placed.

Please read the Additional Info below for more information and added clarity on the Rush process.

Push (+) / Pull (-):
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IMPORTANT Additional Info

  1. Push/Pull is available for all film processing types, although E-6 and ECN-2 have four-roll minimum order quantities for each push/pull level (i.e. cannot mix/match one roll of +1-stop push with three rolls of +2-stop push). All minimums can be overridden if paying the same charge as the minimum. C-41 and B&W films have no order minimums for push/pull services by Summer 2023 (we are awaiting new machines to allow for this).

  2. Push/Pull pricing is based on each stop per roll. Five rolls processed together and pulled one stop (-1) would cost $5 extra ($1/stop/roll). Three rolls pushed three stops each (+3) would cost $9 extra ($3/stop/roll), but the order minimum would kick in if ECN-2, meaning it would cost $12 extra on top of a four-roll processing charge for three rolls of ECN-2, for example.

  3. All pricing is your responsibility to calculate and add to cart accordingly. Consider each $1 fee as a “unit.” Then, add one unit for every stop per roll to the cart in addition to the original processing fees on the processing services order page.

  4. Please do not mix and match different levels of Push/Pull of the same film type in the same order. Such orders are not eligible for discounts of any kind and must be separated for safety and for member discounts.